*unofficial* Streaming Application for Radio Rodja 756 AM (Indonesian)
Radio Rodja 756AM is an Islamic Radio located in Cileungsi, West Java (Jawa Barat), Indonesia (official website:http://www.radiorodja.com)
Radio Rodja berusaha menyajikan kajian-kajian Islam ilmiyah berdasarkan Al-Qur'an & As-Sunnah
- Press home button to switch the app to background
- Anda dapat juga menyimak radio ini menggunakan aplikasi android XiiaLive dengan memasukkan alamat streaminghttp://rodja.dengar.co.ccWARNING:
- This is an alpha release. This application uses external storage (/sdcard/StreamRadioIslam) to store temporary data but doesn't clean them up yet. You can replay the files or delete them.
Keyword: Quran, Hadits, Assunnah, Kajian, Shoutcast, Recitation **